Biblical Studies in Bonn

About the MBSt

Find out more about the English-language Master’s program in Biblical Studies, starting each year in October. Details on the application process can be found here.

Excellent Starting Conditions

The University of Bonn has a tradition of more than 200 years and is one of the best in Germany. Your teachers in the program are experts in a variety of fields in Bible-related Studies. At the same time you will have the opportunity to study independently and focus on individual research interests.

Next to the thematic modules, which focus on exegetical questions of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, you can choose an interdisciplinary module to deepen your historical knowledge or explore other topics of current discussion.

© Volker Lannert / University of Bonn
© Volker Lannert / University of Bonn

Excellent Stepping Stone

As a research-oriented course, the one-year Master’s program in Biblical Studies opens up the possibility of subsequent doctoral studies – at the University of Bonn or elsewhere.

Competences acquired in the Master's program go even beyond biblical exegesis. You will also develop intercultural skills and the ability to participate in an international academic discourse.

No Tuition Fee

The program is tuition free. There is a semester fee of around 300 euros, which includes a semester ticket for regional transport in all NRW.


In our leaflet you can find the most important information about the MBSt at a glance.

Get to Know Your Place of Study

Get a first impression of the Faculty of Protestant Theology, where most of your courses will take place.


Avatar Tabus

Violeta Tabus

MBSt Coordinator


Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Office hours

Monday and Thursday
08.30 - 14.00
Tuesday and Wednesday
08.30 - 13.00 Uhr
Find us on Instagram: @mbst_biblicalstudies

See also


Find out about the admission prerequisites and application process.

Studying in Bonn

Here, we answer questions such as how much it costs to study in Bonn.

Coming soon


Module plan, examination regulation and other documents can be downloaded.

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